Good News Gospel Explosion

The Ministry

Good News Gospel Explosion is an evangelistic ministry dedicated to providing evangelism tools in the mission of reaching people and changing lives with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

This ministry, is an extension of the work of Pastor Claudius Morgan. The ministry is mainly tentorium crusades which are held around the Eastern Caribbean, however the evangelist is widely traveled and is committed to preaching the word of God wherever the holy spirit leads.

Resources are available for download to aid in your own ministry, such as sermons, ministry training and bible lessons. Use freely for your own lay preacher crusade and find tips on the preaching of the gospel. The Good News theme reverberates on this site, given our commitment to proclaiming the gospel of the Jesus whenever this ministry goes.

Those who have assisted in this mission come from varied background ranging from first generation adventist to others who having come to know of God’s love have committed their time and talents towards the furtherance of his work. You too can support this ministry by signing up as a supporter. We believe that from the evangelist to the singers, the prayer warriors and other workers, all ought to have one goal, that is to to serve God.

I pledge by the grace of God to reach out to somebody during evangelism efforts. It is my desire to lead a friend, a family member, a backslider or anyone whom the Lord places in my pathway to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord and be baptized as Jesus was baptized.- C.Morgan