Good News Gospel Explosion

Lay Instructors Guides

Lay Bible Instructors are extremely important people. They make things happen and determine the eventual outcome of the crusade.- C Morgan.
  • PRAY. Pray for thorough cleansing, fitness to meet people and the crusade’s smooth operation.
  • VISIT . Keep up visitation in designated area. Have a minimum of three persons that you are bringing consistently to the crusade.
  • BE PEOPLE FRIENDLY. Welcome visitors as they come to the crusade. Assist them in finding seats. Shake their hands after the meeting is finished. Asked questions such as, “How did you enjoy tonight’s service?” Invite them to return.
  • BE OBESERVANT . Look out for visitors. Know where they are sitting. Observe their expressions and reactions.
  • BE HELPFUL . Assist in finding Bible references. Hold babies. Help solve immediate problems.
  • BE INFLUENTIAL. Let your presence and your influence be like the rich aroma from the Himalayan Mountains. Cultivate and demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit.
  • WATCH YOUR SPEECH . Let it be seasoned with grace.
  • WATCH YOUR ACTIONS . Seek to get visitors attracted to Christ. No distractions or negatives should be encouraged.
  • BE ASSIMILATED INTO THE TOTAL LIFE OF THE CRUSADE . When you are involved the visitors will become involved as well.
  • DRESS NEATLY . You are an important icon; heaven’s ambassador.
  • ENCOURAGE VISITORS TO MAKE DECISIONS. Show interest in people. Calls are for you too.
  • SPECIAL INTEREST. Consolidate interests and decisions in people’s home.
  • USE TELEPHONE . Get the telephone numbers of special interests. Build your friendships. Pray with them on the phone.
  • REPORT . Any major concern or incident should be communicated to your Pastor.
  • DO NOT GO AHEAD OF THE EVANGELIST . Except in a crucial situation, do not answer any objections or questions unless the subject is already presented.
  • ATTEND TEAM MEETINGS WHEN CALLED. It is important to meet regularly for prayer, evaluation, assessment and instruction.
  • BE DELIGENT IN YOUR LABOURS . Budget your time wisely. Determine how much time you will dedicate daily for visitation and friendship building.
  • ALLOW NO BITTERNESS, ILL FEELING, JEALOUSY OR ILL-WILL TO CREEP IN. Greet one another, pray together, smile, affirm, support, encourage. The more pleasant the atmosphere, the greater the blessing will be.
  • DO NOT engage in conversation with anyone (unless its an emergency) while the Evangelist is preaching.
  • SELL the benefits of the crusade. The best kind of advertisement is one to one.
  • BE PUNCTUAL. Be early each night.
  • LEAD visitors to sit (as far as possible) in the main tent immediately before the evangelist.
  • BE REGULAR. You are needed each night. Your friends will be disappointed if you are not present.
  • SOULS ARE AT STAKE . You are part of God’s rescue mission. Be wise as serpents, harmless as doves. PRAY FOR PENTECOST!